Keyword Research for SEO – Step By Step Guide

The life of a marketer can be difficult, but it doesn't have to feel like you're running in circles. The best way for marketers is always looking at different keywords and researching what people who type those words might want for our product or service for themselves- which will give us an idea of where they hang out online!

What kind of keyword research do I need? Well, there are global, organic search engine result pages ("SERPs") including Google searches as well as social media information such goes Facebook updates ranked by popularity metrics like number likes per second during certain times. We also tracked traffic sources coming from specialized blogs/websites focused solely around content related specifically towards SEO topics ̶ this includes technical work written.

Follow these steps to conduct keyword research if you need assistance in this area.

You'll learn all you need to know to master the art of SEO keyword research and get your website on Google's first page, from conducting effective keyword research to the best practices for website optimization.

Step 1: Figure out how people can locate your business on the internet.

If you want to identify the ideal keywords for your business, you need to know how people might find you online, which is why this is an essential phase in keyword research.

  • To get started, consider the following inquiries:
  • What are the people who buy your products and services?
  • What's the reason they're relying on you?
  • Before purchasing from you, what are the most common inquiries you get?

Your current customers may also provide valuable insight into what terms they would use to define your organization and the product or service you offer.

When determining keyword research as the cornerstone of your overall SEO strategy, knowing your niche and your target audience is essential.

Step 2: Define your goal

You must consider your company's long-term objectives before employing SEO consultants to help you climb the Google rankings:

  • Does your company have a specific end-of-year sales goal?
  • Is there a pressing requirement for immediate short-term revenue growth?

You can use these questions as an opportunity to reevaluate your business's goals and objectives at the outset.

  • What was the focus of your company's image?
  • What was your unique selling proposition (USP)?
  • In what ways did you promise to differentiate yourself from your competitors?

Step 3: A list of important subjects should be drawn up at this point in the process.

As soon as you have a clear sense of what your organization is trying to accomplish, you can brainstorm relevant themes.

For example, if your firm sells men's clothing and you're interested in learning how to conduct keyword research for eCommerce sites, you might consider researching the following topics:

  • All men's sweaters
  • 2020 male fashion trends
  • High-end clothing

Always keep in mind your target audience and the characters you're writing for when crafting your content.

Step 4: Make a list of potential seed words.

One or two words are commonly used as seed keywords, head, or major keywords.

These keywords must be relevant to your list of themes and, perhaps more crucially, that they match the terms that your target audience would be searching for on Google.

Check your competitors' websites to determine what keywords and phrases they utilize for this phase.

Step 5: Using Keyword Research Tools 

One of the most important sorts of SEO research that you should never ignore is using these instruments.

Both Google Ads Keyword Planner and Google Analytics can help you narrow down your search and provide you with further ideas for keywords that will be effective for your company.

Using keyword research tools can be beneficial even if you're unsure how to conduct keyword research for niche sites and don't have many competitors to compare your results against; using keyword research tools can be beneficial.

Step 6: Consider what you're looking for.

Understanding why visitors are searching for a particular term is an important component of SEO research to convert clicks into sales.

People look for a variety of reasons online, and you should take these into account when conducting your research:

  • Because they want to know why.
  • Does the narrator have a specific question?
  • If so, where are they looking?
  • Do they intend to buy something?

When analyzing search intent, it's helpful to put yourself in the shoes of your customers.As a side note, it's worth noting Google prefers material that delivers more value to its users, such as how-to guides or product lists.

Step 7: Consider current trends

Because people love reading popular material, it only makes sense to include popular keywords in your SEO approach. Google Trends can help you discover what keywords and phrases are most popular. Keep in mind that certain times of the year, such as Christmas and Black Friday, see a spike in search volume for certain types of terms.

Step 8: Look for long-tail keywords to optimize for.

With the help of the themes you discovered in step three, you may create long-tail keywords that go into greater detail than seed keywords. Instead of "men's clothing," which is your seed term, you may use "what is the greatest men's waterproof jacket."

Long-tail keywords are essential since they target customers ready to buy, resulting in a better conversion rate.

Step 9: Create your material

It's time to enjoy the process of writing and optimizing your content for search engines. Both your existing material and fresh content can have your chosen keywords added to it.For your website to rise to the top of the search engine results, you must focus on link building.

Step 10: It's time to evaluate your progress.

Keyword research is a never-ending activity, which may not sit well with you. You won't be able to sit back and watch the sales come flowing in if you stumble across the right formula.

SEO is a never-ending process of learning and adapting, so you must stay on top of your game. On an average day last year, the search engine giant made nine "improvements" to the way it functions, bringing the total to 3,234.


Because of these tools, you can see which keywords are driving traffic to your site and which ones result in sales and conversions for your business. Fortunately, you can use these tools to analyze your SEO effectiveness. The first step in becoming a master of SEO research is taking the first step. Get in touch with us right now.

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