What is Anchor Text?

What is Anchor Text?

We all know that Google is the most popular search engine in America. It's also highly rated worldwide, but there are some countries where other websites take over like China or India for example (source). These markets have such huge populations and yet only 4% use Bing as their primary browser instead of Google owned Chrome which can be up to 80%. This means if you want your brand listed higher than competitors then SEO is key!

When someone types something into any form on page one they're going straight towards those results - so how do we make ourselves memorable? Well having good quality content written correctly will help guarantee people see what they want before clicking away

You can't afford not to be on page one of Google if you want traffic from search engines. Focus your efforts towards SEO and use anchor texts that will help improve rankings with the algorithm gods.

Definition of 'Anchor Text'

An article's anchor text is the word or phrase you've chosen to connect to. Your on-site content and any backlinks will both benefit from having an anchor text that contains the term you want Google to use to understand your page. If you've ever seen colored, underlined text on a website, you've seen it.

How to Effectively Write Anchor Text

It's as simple as selecting the keywords or tags you want and linking them to the correct page on your website to create an anchor text link. If you don't follow Google's criteria, your website could be penalized if you utilize anchor texts that aren't in line with the search engine's guidelines. For your website's safety and the success of your link building efforts, keep these tips in mind at all times.

  • Your landing page's anchor text should be relevant to the content on the page.
  • It doesn't sound promotional and isn't out of place in the piece, which will be picked up by Google.

What Types of Anchor Text Are There?

It can be difficult to choose your anchor text, but you should think about what key phrase resonates with your brand, what you're linking to, and what organically suits your website's content. According to this list, a number of definitions used by several agencies are similar.

'email marketing would be an exact match in this case because you're connecting to an article about email marketing, and your term was chosen accordingly.

When the anchor text you entered is a variation of the specified keyword, it is a partial match. The term 'email marketing methods,' for example, may be added to the list.

It is your company's brand name that is "branded."

"Click here" would be a good example of a general phrase.

In other words, http://creativelabss.com would be a naked URL link.

The Importance of Linking Strategies

Any linking scheme would be incomplete without anchor text. You need to undertake keyword research just like you would for any PPC ad campaign in order to determine which anchor text possibilities you should employ. In addition, the location of these linkages or hyperlinks is critical. Internal links on your own site and backlinks to your site are two ways you can use these links. Having a lot of backlinks from high-quality websites with a high Domain Authority is a good thing. You can do this by using our link-building services or by promoting your business on quality and content.


When increasing your Google ranking, the quality of your anchor texts is really critical. Anchor texts are just as important as keywords, so make sure you undertake thorough research on the finest ones to employ. Using the improper anchor text to link to a page can have negative effects on your SERPs ranking, as well as raise red flags that Google may utilize to your detriment.

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