How to Use SEO Friendly URLs – Length, Structure & Keywords

How To Make The Best SEO Friendly URL’s In Terms Of Length, Structure & Keywords

Correctly optimizing a webpage's On-Page SEO can be done in many different ways, but one of the most important aspects is to pay attention and make sure your URL structure has been optimized for search engines. Search engine friendly URLs will help boost ranking well into Google results pages which means you'll appear higher when users do searches about products or services related topics on their website.

This tutorial is designed to answer any questions you may have about how it's done.

What's the ideal way to structure a URL for search engine optimization?

When it comes to creating a user-friendly URL, you've found the answer you've been looking for. To begin, here's an example of a generic URL that's usually generated when SEO isn't taken into account:

The URL format is accomplishing absolutely nothing for anyone, as evidenced by this jumbled-up mass of characters and numbers. It does not deliver the information they need about your website for both search engines and users.

Edit the structure in order to avoid a lengthy and unnecessary URL. In general, the URL can be optimized by integrating your primary keywords and keeping the length to a reasonable amount. Let's pretend your page is marketing a Las Vegas-based landscaper. Alternatively, the URL may look like this:

As compared to the last example, this one is considerably clearer! The URL contains the targeted keywords. Short and to the point, with no fluff or unnecessary details. The most significant aspect of the page is that both consumers and Google can determine that it is about a Las Vegas landscape gardener. There is no misunderstanding for an optimized URL address, and it is straightforward to grasp.

It does not just search engines that benefit from a well-structured URL. It's also beneficial to the people who utilize it. Just like the link included just a few paragraphs before, when someone wishes to link to a source to bolster their argument, they can tell right away if the website is appropriate because of the URL.

How do you construct a URL structure that is search engine friendly?

Fortunately, you can easily change the URL on many website systems. PrestaShop, for example, has an Advanced SEO Friendly URLs add-on that makes it easy to boost the URL structure's SEO. However, we'll utilize WordPress for this example, which is the most popular platform for developing websites.

A WordPress page or post will have a URL structure based on the title and parameters you choose when creating it. Changing the URL is as simple as clicking the "Edit" button, which is located next to the URL and under the title.

First, you'll need to update the URL structure in your website's configuration settings. Then go to the "Permalinks" section of "Settings." You have a massive range of choices from this point onward. However, for URL SEO purposes, "Post name" is the only choice that makes sense.

"Post name" avoids unnecessary information, such as the post's publication date, by omitting it. Avoid having a "Plain" URL that does not contain helpful information. Your desired permalink structure is immediately available by just typing "Post name" into your browser's address bar.

Structure of Moz URLs

Tips on how to improve your URL's SEO.

In the last example, you saw how to construct a URL that is optimized for search engine visibility. You're well-versed in the ins and outs of customizing URLs. Now that we've covered the basics of URL structure, it's time to learn a few more tricks.

  • You should try to have a URL length of four or five words, according to the basic Google SEO URL length requirements. It is said that Google's algorithms will give far less attention to any terms that go beyond the fifth word. If you can't get it down to four or five words, make sure your primary keyword terms are at the beginning of the URL.
  • The use of words like "the" or "and" is redundant when constructing URL structures. These terms aren't good for SEO. Therefore, you're wasting valuable URL space by including them. Instead, try to concentrate on the most critical keywords in your content.
  • Using hyphens is a good rule of thumb for URL addresses. Only slashes (/) and hyphens (-) are not allowed (-). In the URL, words are separated by hyphens. is displayed instead of, for example, co.UK/vinyl sale. In addition, Google advises against underscores (_) to separate the words. Only use hyphens for punctuation.
  • Prioritize the hierarchy: It's critical that you pay attention to the URL hierarchy as well. Hierarchy refers to the categories that appear before any given homepage, such as co.UK/vinyl-sale/indie-alternative. Google has a greater chance of figuring out what your page is about if the hierarchy is logical and easy to understand.
  • Try it out: No, I'm not sure if my URL is optimized. You can use an SEO-friendly URL test to get more information in this scenario. The outcomes of this test will show you whether or not your URL is correct and, if it is, what you can do to correct it.


In our work, we've learned a thing or two about the fundamentals of search engine optimization. The URL structure is one of them. The URL of your pages will be penalized by Google if you don't optimize them.

Fortunately, the process of creating an appropriate URL structure is straightforward. First, create a short and sweet URL with hyphens instead of underscores and your desired keywords incorporated. That is all you need, in essence!

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